WEll I thought I would blog again. If it makes no sense at all, let me explain. I hate graduate school. Graduate school is the very demise in which it wishes to squeeze out any fun in your life and replace it with hours of excrusiating homework and pain that at the end you wish to gouge out your eyes with your pen. Okay maybe not that bad, but I just got done with my mid-term for Neurological Anatomy. Don't worry that it only took me about twelve hours to do and that is about average for the whole class.
Speaking of my class, I find it to be very educational being stuck in a room with 28 girls of varying ages and singularity (most are married) and then the old Richard the Lemon Pie. One would think that with this part of my life, I might have insight into the female realm, but I think I am just as clueless as the next guy. But I do not say that this is an entirely bad thing, but at times much the opposite. For many times I have had the opportunity of being witty and catching on to "what their putting down", but with great ease and comfort I pull out my Y-chromosome clueless card and walk away with a smirk on my face. Oh what joy!...
I just re-read my blog. WHAT THE CRAP AM I SAYING?!
I don't know and I really don't care at this moment. I think I have (here is your neuro-anatomy term for the day), LOGORRHEA-defined by The American Heritage Stedman's Medical Dictionary as "excessive use of words".
But I prefer the definition of The Shane-o-roo's Heritage Medical Dictionary Made Simple definition of "diarrhea of the mouth!"
Well two more weeks of this insanity and then I will be brought to a whole different realm of insanity enough to make one's head explode...Yes! I'M GOING BACK TO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. I don't know what I should have my speech students call me, either Mr. Lemon, Mr. Richard, or Master of the Universe of all Speech Pathologists! In anyway, the kids won't be able to say my name, Mistow Wichawd Wemon. So I think I will stick with He-Man and "The Master of the Universe" Title. What do your think?