Wednesday, June 14, 2006

It's a nice reminder...

I always look forward to those times where you are reminded that life is good. I am not refering to that every single moment edge of the seat excitement as if you are at Disneyland and you just got your picture taken with Belle. But pretty close. It is just those times when you go through the day. It isn't that anything out of the ordinary happened, but happiness. By the way this is sounding some may be thinking that the happiness that I am talking about comes in a five leafed green plant. (Amber, What are those called again?!) So...

It is a nice reminder...

-to go to a conference for school and after four years of it, it is still interesting and exciting.

-to know that happiness doesn't have to come from outside sources. (Hey Kelli, can I borrow ten buck?!) j.k.

-and to know that there are friends out there. Ones I know and others that I haven't met yet.

-to know that bald monkeys do NOT make good barbers!

Well life is good! And when life is good, as the "Mike's Hard Lemonade" signs say, "Grab Life by the Lemons!"


At 11:02 PM, Blogger Shane-o-roo said...

Hey, who invited the hippie? JK-love your guts, Amber

At 3:31 PM, Blogger Amberae said...

hahaha! those would NOT be cannabis people... they have seven leaves.

5 leaves would be a japanese maple... probably or who knows... a lot of plants have five leaves.

and shaner... i did! love you too...


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